After watching the Frankenstein movie, the thought came into my mind that a modern remake of the film could be really cool. There have obviously already been multiple adaptations, but I think that with today’s movie industry, a more entertaining version could be made. A “Frankenstein” with a couple well-known actors in the case and modern CGI and technology for the Creature could be a potentially profitable production.
With no offense intended toward Mary Shelley, a good modern writer, or team, could expand this plot into something even more captivating. The hour-long 1931 film could be expanded, and the storyline could be personalized with more intricate relationships. That, with some action added in, sounds like a hit to me.
With the Creature being the main point of interest in this story, a “remastered” version of the monster would be the focal point of the movie. Modern technology would allow for the design of a lifelike being that could be as menacing or as normal as the producer would like, depending on how they wish to portray the character. I also think that a cyborg Creature, or even an advanced robot gone rogue, would be worthy of consideration.
The plot of the adaption could remain somewhat similar to Mrs. Shelley’s, with the Creature playing the humanized villain role, or a twist in the remake could be that the Creature and Dr. Frankenstein work together to accomplish some heroic victory. A relationship between the Creature and Dr. Frankenstein would be easy to turn into a good story. An even further-removed storyline could be that the two characters are a villainous team and a third prominent character has to defeat them.
The story, or at least concept, of Frankenstein has been familiar for generations. Any way you spin it, a remake would get some attention and have the potential to actually be a good movie. To bring Frankenstein back into a modern Hollywood would not be only entertaining, but also an appropriate salute to Mary Shelley. She didn’t immediately get the recognition she deserved for her own creation, but it has certainly stood the test of time and tinkering.
Works Cited
Whale, James., director. Frankenstein. Universal, 1931.